Pitching In

Long-serving Frickley secretary steps down

Long-serving Frickley secretary steps down

Ruth Simpson has stepped down as Frickley Athletic football secretary after 20 years.

The long-serving official will still remain around the club as a volunteer, swapping “paper for people” according to the club’s website.

Ruth said: "I have been a volunteer for 33 years, board member for 9 years of that and Football Secretary for the last 20. So, after all that it has come time for me to ‘hang up my pen’ & step down as secretary.

“I still intend to help out on match days & support our wonderful club, but I’ll be more involved with people and less involved with paper.

“Massive thank you to everyone who has helped me over the years, there are some amazing people in non league football, many who have become personal & life long friends - having a ‘football career’ doesn’t necessarily involve kicking a ball.

“To all the players past & present - thank you for being ‘my boys’ it has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you to all the referees who have been amazing to work with and finally apologies to Bassetts as their profits on jelly babies may drop significantly!"

Club Chief Executive, Ryan McKnight, said: “Firstly, I am delighted that Ruth is going to still be involved at the club.

“Her contribution, level of professionalism, dedication and effort is not possible to describe or give justice to in this statement. On a personal note it is a delight to have her as a friend and I just want to say ‘thank you’ for your contribution which without the club simply would not exist.

“Ruth (and people like her) are what clubs like ours exist on. The level of detail and regulation involved in the modern game is hugely time consuming and to operate as Secretary for over 20 years is a remarkable achievement.

“To the Frickley fans (and indeed all non-league fans) out there – take the chance to give thanks to Ruth for her service. Volunteering into your local football club is simply a wonderful sacrifice. Efforts like Ruth’s are there so that others can continue to enjoy a shared passion. It is a contribution to be proud of.”

The club has already begun the process of looking for a new secretary and applications and interest can be made via the job posting section on the club’s facebook page or by emailing [email protected]

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