Pitching In

Caldecott focuses on manager's role

Caldecott focuses on manager's role

New Trafford manager Danny Caldecott has revealed he will be hanging up his boots to focus on his new role.

Caldecott, 38, was promoted from assistant following the shock resignation of Tom Baker last week.

He said: “I want to solely concentrate on managing now and my responsibilities towards TFC.

“I’ve had my time playing for Trafford and I am proud to have represented us, and many other great non-league clubs in Stalybridge, Ashton and Hyde to name a few, so I’m officially done.”

Caldecott has been at Shawe View since 2014 and said he didn’t have to think twice about taking up the role.

“Tom resigned & I had a call from the Chairman with the offer to step up and be the manager.

“Before John (Eadie) could even finish his sentence I was repeating “yes, yes yes” in my head! So no, I didn’t think twice! I accepted the opportunity straight away and now I cannot wait to get started!”

Caldecott won’t be rushing in to new signings, and says he wants to wait until a realistic date is made available for a return to action.

Existing players have been sent home routines to follow.

He added: “Announcing players is best delivered when we return properly as a club. Sorry for no immediate news, I know people would like to know where we are, but I can assure everyone that come the start of the new season, whenever that may be, TFC will have a group willing to give their all as we have over the last 5 years.”

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